Friday, October 15, 2010

Home Cooking

Last weekend when I was home for Fall Break I finally found out what I had been missing from my dorm meals. It wasn't the ability to get free food whenever I wanted or even having things prepared the way I like, but it was who I was eating with. Sitting around the dinner table with my family was much more intimate than eating with 200 other students in my dining hall. I missed being able to talk to them around the concept of a meal. Eating meals with my family was probably one of my favorite parts about going home.
My other favorite part about going home was access to a kitchen. One day I spent about three hours in the kitchen baking. It was nice because I got to choose what I was making (Puppy chow and Oatmeal Skotchies). Baking for me is something that is stress relieving and after a few weeks in College it was nice to be able to relax in the comfort of my own home. For me, being able to share the food that I made is so important to me. I left some with my family, sent some to my grandmother, some to a friend at school, and shared some with the girls in my dorm. I'm not a super creative person, but with baking and cooking I feel like its something I can share or contribute to the people around me.
Another recent experience I had with home cooking was at a friend's apartment on campus. A group of us got together and we were served steak, baked potatoes, cheesy broccoli, and asparagus. Not only was the cooking delicious, but sharing a "family" style dinner with a group of my friends was a great way to end my first week back after being home. After a delicious dessert of chocolate cherry cake and my own contribution of mocha fondue I've realized that it isn't necessary to be at home to get home cooking!

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